Helpful Links


The following are some links to websites that you may find helpful:

A useful organisation to explore more about memory loss and thinking problems is the Dementia Australia website.

Beyond Blue is a tremendous resource to support all who want to make their mental health the best it can be.

The free support service and resources provided by Dementia Support Australia is unparalleled in starting the journey to understanding how to manage personality changes, particularly those found associated with dementia.

Pain Australia has some wonderful support resources for seniors experiencing pain.

Health Direct has useful resources for people concerned about falls. There are less resources on frailty for patients, being a condition which we still have much to learn about; has some helpful explanations of this condition.

The first step in understanding poor sleep is to learn why we need sleep and what stops us from sleeping well. Sleep hygiene is an important concept and Better Health Victoria has a very helpful page on this. Dr Walker’s book on Why We Sleep is also fascinating for those who wish to learn more about sleep. Dr Walker also has given a superb TED talk on this subject; you can find this here”.

Better Health Victoria also has a very good section on urinary/ bladder problems as well as bowel issues.

The Mesothelioma Centre is a free resource and service centre for sufferers of mesothelioma (a type of cancer) caused by exposure to asbestos. Their team will assist you in finding mesothelioma treatment options and answer any questions you have.

Planning Ahead Tools is a very useful government resource page dedicated to explaining and supporting people who wish to plan for their future.

A good impartial review of what to look for when choosing a nursing home can be found from the AARP. There are also many useful resources to be found in Australia, the UK and the USA, all of relevance to making a choice here in Australia.

Health VIC has a useful page on optimising medications as we age.

Better Health Victoria has a useful page on Alternative and Complimentary therapies.

Carers NSW have a lovely page exploring caring and stress.

Health Direct has a useful page summarising what is respite and how it works.

There are many external commercial support companies that assist individuals and families looking to enter a care home. These services can be both very helpful but also quite costly. To start the process, you should have a look at the Federal Department of Human Services page including the process they explain on aged care assessments.


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