Planning For Placement

Sometimes, all potential options to support someone living at home are exhausted. In this circumstance, other options may need to be explored including a move into a care home. This can be very emotionally challenging for all involved including family and carers.

Ideally planning for care homes begins with lots of time to spare. Sadly, many are not given time to consider placement because of a crisis or rapid deterioration in health and are admitted to hospital. In hospital, recommendations may be made to facilitate placement into an aged care facility. Being in hospital isn’t ideal for the senior, especially if they are not acutely sick, as it exposes them to diseases and complications from being in hospital. Worse, if there are questions about the person’s decision making abilities, the process of establishing who makes decisions and potentially placement into an aged care facility may take months in hospital which is a truly awful experience for our seniors.


At The Salus Clinic, we raise and discuss the difficult questions at an appropriate time with our seniors, family, friends and carers to enable a meaningful discussion and plan to be developed with the senior at the centre of what we do. Beginning a conversation about exploring the possibility of moving to a nursing home does not indicate failure, rather ensures we are always considering every option available to us at every opportunity. If the person we support does go to a nursing home, having early discussions at the Salus Clinic means this decision and move will not come as a traumatic shock and the transition will be easier. We continue supporting our patients in nursing homes, promoting quality of life and addressing any issues raised by our patient or the family.

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