Future Planning
One of the devastating things we see in hospitals are when our seniors have not articulated what they want for their future. Many have planned for funerals, but few have set out who they would want to make decisions for them if they were not able, perhaps due to a stroke or a serious medical illness. Examples include setting up a Power of Attorney for financial affairs or an Enduring Guardianship for medical and residential decisions. These decision makers only become active if you were to lose the ability to make decisions yourself, either temporarily or permanently.
Talking about death, whilst frequently confronting can be helpful to both older persons and families/ friends. Death is one of life’s certainties and ‘death is what gives life meaning’. Understanding when one has potentially life-limiting or life-threatening medical problems allows us to consider how we want to live the rest of our lives and what priorities we set for this life. This may include personal goals. It may also include a reflection on what an older person would want from future medical and nursing care. This second point is called setting up an Advanced Care Plan.

Setting up your plans is best achieved by speaking to those you trust the most in your personal circles and with the doctors you wish to remain involved. It is therefore important to speak to your General Practitioner and you may also want to speak to your specialists and other trusted healthcare professionals.
A tremendous Not For Profit organization works to help people understand what is needed to talk about death and prepare for your future. The Groundswell project is a fantastic resource to start thinking about this.
Everybody is different which is why discussing your wishes is important – this is your life and the choices are yours, where we at The Salus Clinic can help explain what everything means.