Personality Changes

Sometimes we notice a loved one or friend is changing. The person may be someone getting more resistant to doing things, not being willing to try anything or may be more abrupt such as shouting/ screaming or being prone to physical outbursts. Sometimes they may be doing things that are more serious or incredibly out of character, such as illegal activity. There are many reasons why somebody may be changing over time. There are several medical reasons including direct damage to the brain such as in a stroke or slower progressive damage which occurs in dementia. Sometimes personality changes can be driven by drugs, either stopping them abruptly causing a withdrawal syndrome, or a new drug which may be interacting with existing ones (e.g. a new painkiller reacting with an antidepressant).

Over time, alcohol can also cause changes to the brain, particularly in the front part of the brain (frontal lobe), which controls personality and temperament. Given the many causes that could lead to personality changes, it is important to work out the cause and treat that, rather than focus solely on treating the personality change itself.


Once the reason for a potential personality change has been established, it is important to try and treat the underlying case, reversing it if possible (e.g. minimizing alcohol consumption). Where it is not possible to treat the cause (e.g. in a stroke), we would develop a person-centered strategy to manage any behaviour(s). Part of this is helping friends and family understand the condition that is driving the behaviour(s) and learn how to communicate effectively with them. This is essential to be able to improve everyone’s lives, from the person with the changed behaviour(s) to all family, friends and loved ones who interact with them.

Extensive evidence from research highlights that non-drug treatments of personality changes both in and outside of dementia have the best outcomes and least risk to the person. Exploring the practicalities of using these non-drug therapies with you and your family allows us to tailor the right approach that keeps you and those around you safe and independent. Using drug therapy also has a place in managing behaviour(s). However, it is not without risk and often will increase drowsiness in the person taking it and can also increase the risk of falls, heart attacks, and strokes. The decision to use medications like this must be weighed carefully against the risk; at the Salus Clinic, we help you with this decision making to make sure the goals of the person with the behaviour(s) and the family, friends and carers’ needs are met.

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